% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το literate programming
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Τι (ποιος) είναι literate programming - ορισμός

Literate programming         
  • ''Literate Programming'' by [[Donald Knuth]] is the seminal book on literate programming
Literate Program; Literate Programming
Literate programming is a programming paradigm introduced in 1984 by Donald Knuth in which a computer program is given an explanation of its logic in a natural language, such as English, interspersed (embedded) with snippets of macros and traditional source code, from which compilable source code can be generated. The approach is used in scientific computing and in data science routinely for reproducible research and open access purposes.
literate programming         
  • ''Literate Programming'' by [[Donald Knuth]] is the seminal book on literate programming
Literate Program; Literate Programming
<programming, text> Combining the use of a text formatting language such as TeX and a conventional programming language so as to maintain documentation and source code together. Literate programming may use the inverse comment convention. Perl's literate programming system is called pod. (2003-09-24)
Multitier programming         
Draft:Multitier Programming; Draft:Multitier programming; List of multitier programming languages
Multitier programming (or tierless programming) is a programming paradigm for distributed software, which typically follows a multitier architecture, physically separating different functional aspects of the software into different tiers (e.g.
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για literate programming
1. So he obviously is the father of literate programming.
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
2. Literate Programming, but even he said he mostly read Knuth's prose instead of the actual
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
3. I found -- I asked everybody about Literate Programming and, obviously, Knuth was in favor.
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google
4. Guy Steele said, maybe if they had good tool chains for literate programming in lisp he
Coders at Work _ Peter Seibel _ Talks at Google